Bacon medallions are somewhat unknown to many of our customers, but are hugely popular with those who follow a low fat, or weight watchers diet. So, if you're looking to have a bit less fat in your diet, but you can't face a life without bacon, you need to know about bacon medallions.
Bacon medallions are produced from cured pork loin, the exact same way as 'normal' back bacon, except they are heavily trimmed of all fat. Basically, everything other than the eye of the bacon loin is trimmed off. The eye of the loin is the circular (hence the 'eye' of the loin) muscle that runs through the loin, and is the leanest part of the rasher. Once a bacon medallion is trimmed up, it can have up to 30% less fat that a normal rasher of bacon. This effectively means; bacon medallions are low fat bacon. Sounds too good to be true, right?
I know a lot of folks think that the fat is the best bit of a bacon rasher, especially when its cooked nice and crispy, but if you've got designs on having that summer beach body, or you're just trying to avoid any extra fat, then bacon medallions are certainly much better than no bacon at all. After all, bacon is life.
What is the difference between bacon and bacon medallions?
Bacon medallions are, basically, just a rasher of back bacon that has been heavily trimmed of all fat, leaving just the eye of the loin. The eye is the leanest part of the rasher, meaning bacon medallions can have up to 30% less fat than a 'normal' rasher of back bacon.
Are bacon medallions free on slimming world?
According to bacon medallions are totally syn free on slimming world.
How many calories are in a rasher medallion?
Based on a 30g medallion rasher, there is approximately 38 calories in each rasher.
Can you cook bacon medallions in the oven?
You can cook medallions in the oven, although you should be careful, as bacon medallions are very lean, if you over cook them, you'll be left with potentially very dry rashers. The best way to cook your bacon medallions in the oven is too place your rashers in a pre-heated oven at gas mark 5 / 190C / 170C fan and cook for around 5-10 minutes. Check your rashers are piping hot throughout before serving.
What bacon is the healthiest?
If lean meat, or low fat, is what you are aiming for, then bacon medallions are great, as they have up to 30% less fat than a 'normal' back bacon rasher, making them much healthier. Turkey bacon also provides a great alternative for those looking to eat lean, or also those who may be looking to cut down their red meat consumption.